IFGTM 2019

First announcement IFGTM 2019






International Forum on Green Technology and Management (IFGTM) is an annual event initiated by the Consortium for Green Technology Management and Research (CGTMR) which including 18 members from top universities in Vietnam and overseas. This Forum provides an opportunity for exchanging environmental studies and networking activities for research collaboration in the field of environment. From the beginning, eight IFGTM events were organized by the CGTMR members. Following the success of the past events, the 9th IFGTM will be held on 27-28 September 2019 in Hanoi and hosted by Faculty of Environmental Engineering (FEE) & Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE) – National University of Civil Engineering with the theme “Sustainability, Green Living and Environment”. The 9th IFGTM is expected to be an international exchange platform for Vietnamese and international scientists to share and discuss their researches on a number of challenging environment and sustainable development issues and solutions.  




Time: 27-28 September, 2019

Location: National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE), No. 55 Giai Phong Road, Ha Noi, Vietnam.




A. Conference themes

1.          Water treatment and distribution

2.          Water and ecosystem quality

3.          Water, food, energy nexus

4.          Waste/wastewater treatment, reuse, and recovery

5.          Sustainable solid waste management

6.          Air pollution control and air quality management

7.          Sustainable urban energy consumption and production

8.          Renewable energy

9.          Climate resilient, sustainable, and smart cities/communities

10.      Green and sustainable buildings

11.    Kurita Water Foundation special session on Industrial wastewater pollution control Vietnam.

12.   Sustainable construction and demolition waste management in Vietnam (NUCE-SAITAMA SATREP project)

13.       Environmental education


B. Workshops

1) Workshops on special project (IESE/NUCE)

2) Industry-academia partnership

3) Sponsor consultative meeting



Participants are invited to submit abstract and full manuscript of their research paper for either oral or poster presentation on the above topics. Abstract and manuscript should be prepared following the given templates. When submitting abstract, the authors should clearly indicate their selection for presentation options: either (1) oral or (2) poster presentation as well as their selection for publication option in either (1) domestic journal (VJST) or (2) SCI-indexed journals (JEMA or ESPR) as stated below. Submission of a full manuscript will be invited for the accepted abstract. Both abstract and full manuscript should be submitted online at the website: http://ifgtm.vn


Oral and poster presentation

·       The accepted manuscript will be assigned for oral presentation in the relevant thematic workshop in the Forum.

·       The poster presentation should be printed in A0 paper, and will be presented in the poster session in the Forum.


Publication opportunities

·       Accepted abstracts will be published in the edited Book of Abstract with ISSN.

·       High quality manuscripts will be selected and evaluated by the Scientific Committee and external reviewers for publishing in the thematic Special Issue from one of the following journals:

ü  Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology (VJST), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) (http://vjs.ac.vn/index.php/jst)

ü  Journal of Environmental Management (JEMA), Elsevier (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-environmental-management): SCI-indexed Q1 Journal, IF 4.005

ü  Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR), Springer (https://link.springer.com/journal/11356): SCI-indexed Q2 Journal, IF 2.800



There will be awards for a best research paper, poster, and outstanding young researcher (age < 35 years old).



·       Environmental technologies

·       Metering and lab equipment

·       ICT/IoT for smart environment




Chair of Organizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Huỳnh Trung Hải, Institute for Env. Science and Technology, HUST

Deputy Chairs of Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Việt Anh, Director, Institute for Env. Science and Engineering, NUCE

A/Prof. Dr. Trần Thị Việt Nga, Dean, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUCE


Members from IFGTM

A/Prof. Dr. Nguuyễn Thanh Bình, Thu Dau Mot University

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Công, Can Tho University

Dr. Hồ Đắc Thái Hoàng, IREN, Hue University

A/Prof. Dr. Tô Thị Hiền, VNU-HCMC

Dr. Đường Văn Hiếu, Hue University of Science

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Mạnh Khải, VNU-HN

A/Prof. Dr. Trần Văn Quang, Da Nang University of Science and Technology

A/Prof. Dr. Trịnh Văn Tuyên, Institute for Environmental Technology, VAST                                                               

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Anh Tuyết, INEST, HUST

A/Prof. Dr Lê Quốc Tuấn, Nong Lam University-TPHCM

Dr. Pham Minh Tuan, HUFI


Members from NUCE

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Đức Lượng, Vice-Dean, FEE

MSc. Nguyễn Thành Trung, Vice-Dean, FEE

A/Prof. Dr. Lều Thọ Bách, Vice-Director, IESE

A/Prof. Dr. Trần Ngọc Quang, Faculty of Environmental Engineering

Prof. Dr. Trần Văn Liên, Head, Department of Science and Technology

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng Giang, Head, Department of International Cooperation

Dr. Đỗ Duy Đỉnh, Head, Department of Information and Communication



Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Việt Anh, IESE, NUCE (Chair)

A/Prof. Dr. Trần Thị Việt Nga, FEE, NUCE (Co-Chair)

A/Prof. Dr. Lều Thọ Bách, IESE, NUCE

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Phước Dân, HCMUT

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Thị Hà, VNU-HN

Prof. Dr. Huỳnh Trung Hải, INEST, HUST

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Mạnh Khải, VNU-HN

A/Prof. Dr. Phạm Khắc Liệu, HUSC

A/Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Đức Lượng, FEE, NUCE

A/Prof. Dr. Trần Ngọc Quang, FEE, NUCE

A/Prof. Dr. Trần Văn Quang, DUT

A/Prof. Dr. Bùi Xuân Thành, HCMUT

A/Prof. Dr. Trịnh Văn Tuyên, IET

Prof. Ngo Huu Hao, University of Technology Sydney (Australia)

Prof. Dornark Christina, TU Dresden (Germany)

Prof. Hiderani Yasui, Kita Kyushu (Japan)

Prof. Long Nghiem, Technical University of Sydney

Dr. Eldon Raj, IHE Delft (The Netherlands)

A/Prof. Kasuga , Japan-Vietnam University and University of Tokyo (Japan)



·       Dr. Hoàng Minh Giang. NUCE (Chair)

·       Dr. Bùi Thị Hiếu, NUCE

·       Mr. Trần Đức Minh Hải, NUCE

·       Dr. Nguyễn Đức Quảng, INEST



·        English


9. IMPORTANT DATES (tentative)

·        Abstract submission deadline: March 30, 2019

·      Notification of abstract status: April 15, 2019

·        Full manuscript submission deadline: June 15, 2019

·        Notification of full manuscript status for oral/poster presentation: 15 July, 2019

·        Last announcement: August 1, 2019

·        Conference date: September 27-28, 2019

·        Review and publication of high quality manuscripts in VJST, ESPR, and JEMA: after the conference date  


10.  FEE

Registration fee: 100 USD/foreign participant and 1 million VNĐ/Vietnamese participant.  Students who have oral and poster presentation will be subsidized 50% of registration fee.



The Organizing Committee would like to invite all of the organizations and individuals for sponsoring the Forum.



IFGTM 2019 Secretariat

·       Address: Faculty of Environmental Engineering, National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE), No. 55, Giai Phong Road, Hanoi, Vietnam.

·       Tel: +842438691830; Hotline: +84 949438385 (Dr. HM Giang)

·       Email: ifgtm2019@nuce.edu.vn

The Organizing Committee would like to inform and invite organizations and individuals working in the field of environmental science, technology, engineering and management and related fields to attend the Forum. Detail information will be regularly updated on the official website https://www.ifgtm.vn






Support online

 (+84) (0234) 3848977

 (+84) 0905009669

(Dr. Lê Văn Tuấn)


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