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The Scientific Committee of IFGTM 2025 consists of 39 members based on the nomiations of CGTMR member institutions, the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Science, HUSC and the consultation of the CGTMR network leaders, These members are leading scientists in environmental science, technology and management at domestic and international universities.
The Rector of University of Sciences, Hue University (HUSC), the host institution of IFGTM 2025, has issued Decision No. 102/QD-DHKH dated 25 January, 2025 on the establishment of the Organizing Committee and Secretariat of the forum. According to this Decision, the Organizing Committee of IFGTM 2025 consists of 30 members representing all active member units and a number of senior individual members of CGTMR. The Secretariat consists of 8 members majorlily from the Faculty of Environmental Science, HUSC.
Following the success of previous forums, the 15th International Forum on Green Technology anfd Management (IFGTM 2025) has officially launched. Let's look forward to the important annual event of the Consortium of Green Technology and Management Research (CGTMR) on July 25 - 26, 2025, in Hue city - the city of world cultural heritages.